Baked Turkey Meatballs

So the other evening I did something I’ve never really, really done a lot of before.  I worked in the yard.  And when I say worked, I mean worked. I teamed up with my mum to tackle the bushes and hedges with hedge trimmers and chop them down to size.  We trimmed and sculpted the little bushes into […]

Gnocchi and Creamy Tomato Sauce

Most all of my posts pertaining to Valentine’s Day have been unabashedly sweets orientated.  Today, though, I thought that a savoury yet romantic dish was in order, as none of us can survive on sugar alone. I think one of my favourite parts of making gnocchi is that it is so soulful–every step seems to […]

Black Bean Quesadilla

This simple, one-serving quesadilla came together out of hungry desperation.  It’s hearty and satisfying and delicious Mexican, granted it’s not entirely traditional due to its addition of pesto.  Regardless, the end result is a fresh and vibrant “fusion” quesadilla that’s perfect to eat whenever. Unlike most quesadillas, this one is heated in the broiler, which achieves […]

Lentil Bolognese

Deadlines and writer’s block are a very, very bad combination.  Especially when it’s an unexpected deadline…  You see, I started this week off thinking that I would be able to touch on my persuasive essay during the week, but do the bulk of the work on the weekend.  But I was wrong…!  In the middle of […]

Classic Mexican Red Rice

Before we talk about rice, I need to say a few things about the Olympians.  First, congratulations, Michael Phelps, for a job well done–you’re pretty darn amazing.  Second, the USA’s women gymnasts are incredible.  Third, May-Treanor and Walsh?  Congrats for holding your own against the Chinese–they were tough opponents.  Fourth, good job Missy Franklin; you’re on […]

Sesame Tofu and Leeks

Alas, gone are my lazy summer days!  Days for aimless ponderings and thoughtful musings, romantic novels and suspenseful novellas, and other hours spent in contemplation of new and exciting recipes.  But that’s okay, I’m glad to say that I love my studies; and they come as no bore or burden to me.  We’ll just have to see if […]

Zucchini Tagliatelle with Bean Balls

Take a step outside of your comfort zone.  Be bold and be confident.  Go ahead and wear that eyeliner that you’ve been too afraid to try, bake a souffle, say hello to your crush, do what you’ve been meaning to do but have been too nervous to.  People will love you for who you are, […]

Balsamic Pan-Fried Chickpeas

Simple, fresh dinners.  Aah, don’t you just love those?  They have a way of making me feel centered, enlightened even.  The simplicity in the ingredients in this dish allows the soft, nuttiness of the chickpeas to remain while being played off by the sweet, acidic zing of the cherry tomatoes.  Plus, you can’t help but feel good when you […]